
Staatsatelier Wattgasse 56-60

Anna Hofbauer, Franz Amann

„Many things have certainly been surpassed. I’m perfectly aware of having continuously made shifts both in the things that have interested me and in what I have already thought. In addition, the books I write, constitute an experience for me that I’d like to be as rich as possible. An experience is some-thing you come out of changed.“ *

The intruder in the State Artists’ Building Franz Amann and Anna Hofbauer, the resident there, show forms between (re)construction, (re)measurement, defense, attack, construction, transformation and repair.

They perceive space as a web of possible experiences.

Experiences aim to initiate a movement in the subject to tear it away from itself.

Cracks create new spaces, make it possible to experience or overcome limits.

What happens as a result of the joint adaptation (design and conversion of Hofbauer’s studio) into an exhibition space?

In order to remain capable of shaping in a counterpart’s situation, it is necessary to discover these free spaces, which can also only open up through mutual destabilization.


* Michel Foucault: Remarks on Marx, conversations with Duccio Trombadori, 1978